1. Teach them Grace

Researcher Dr. Kara Powell states: "The single strongest predictor of whether a child will attend church as an adult is their ability to articulate the gospel accurately and in terms of grace." Everything we do with kids and their parents centers around the gospel of grace. Click HERE to learn more.

2. Intergenerational Sunday Worship

What does that look like?

First, we get children into as many roles as possible. We have children greeters, children running lights and sound, children on the worship team, etc.

Secondly, ages 6+ are each given a worship packet that includes a toy, crayons, a sermon-based activity, and a family devotional for you to do together at home.

Thirdly, we have a nursery for ages 0-2 and a classroom for ages 3-5, but your children in those ages are free to stay with you if you wish.

3. Kid's Night!

On the first Wednesday of each month from 6-8pm we have a super fun worship event in our sanctuary for grades K-5. We have food, games, worship music, and a gospel-focused teaching and activity. 

4. Work Closely with Parents

We walk alongside parents to help them raise their children in the gospel of grace.

*For more info, contact Kathryn: