"The single strongest predictor of whether a child will attend church as an adult is their ability to articulate the gospel accurately and in terms of grace" (research by Dr. Kara Powell).

We want your kids to be active in church their whole lives, not just while they're young! So, here's how we minister to kids:

1. Shower Them With Grace

Everything we do with kids centers around the gospel of grace. Our worship packets on Sundays, Wednesday Kid's Nights, VBS, fun trips, family devotions, Life Groups, etc. are all about the gospel of grace. 

2. Intergenerational Worship

Research by Steve Parr and Tom Crites revealed that children who are separated from their parents during Sunday worship are 40% more likely to stop attending church as adults than children who worship with their parents (Why They Stay pg 77).

Scripture just takes it for granted that children are present during corporate worship (Ep 6:1; Co 3:20; De 31:11-13; Jos 8:35; Ne 8:1-2). 

We also think it's significant that intergenerational worship was the practice for the Christian Church for the first 1900 years of its existence.

For these reasons, we practice intergenerational worship during Sunday services.

What does that look like?

We have a nursery for ages 0-2 and a classroom for ages 3-5 (NOTE: second service ONLY from May 26 - July). Ages 6 and up join their parents in worship and are given a worship packet that includes a toy, crayons, an age-appropriate activity that matches the sermon, and a sermon-based family devotional for you to do together at home.

3. Kid's Night

On the first Wednesday of each month from 6-8pm, we have a kid's worship event in our sanctuary for grades K-5. We have food, games, worship music, and a gospel-focused teaching and activity. 

4. Work Closely With Parents

We try hard to give parents every resource they need to raise their children in the gospel of grace.

*For more info, contact Kathryn: kathrynedodson@gmail.com